Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Day one: Morning has broken

I'm sitting in the back row of the center ballroom waiting for this morning's keynote by Clifford Lynch. I'm in the back row to avail myself of one of the only two power outlets in this immense room. (I've already had one person disconnect me from the wall by not watching where they're walking.) Of, course, there's no WiFi in the room but there is in the hotel bar upstairs and in the lobby area of the conference floor (out at the tables by registration.) It's a clear, crisp morning in Washington as I discovered walking down Conn. Avenue to find some batteries for my camera (which it turns out I didn't need since I had spares in the camera's case that I'd forgotten about) and a DC postcard.

My first Cybertour, Data Visualization, is at 3pm and I just realized that I've not bookmarked any of the sites that I'm planning on showing. (At least this time I have my handouts with me and don't need to make a Kinko's run.) I guess I'll be heading out to the WiFi area to set those up after the keynote.

A reminder for conference first-timers: Do not miss the evening session "Looking at Dead and Emerging Technologies". Not only is this the most fun and most popular session at the conference every year, there's also rumor's of a "Dead Technologies drinking game" this year. (Actually, I've seen the game and may have actually contributed a rule or two. As to whether or not the rules will be distributed at the door.)


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