Thursday, March 17, 2005

Day two: Good Morning

Last night's speaker reception included much interesting conversation, mostly about the great hunt for employment. I guess I was the luckiest participant in said conversation as I currently have a job. The Dead Technologies session was as informative and hillarious as usual. (The full-frontal picture of Arnold Schwartzeneger was a bit much, especially when projected on a 20-foot high screen.) After the session many of us ended up back at the Hilton bar once again for further laughs and conversation. I was interview by Greg Schwartz for his CIL podcast and even recorded a tag line for him. I took plenty of session and bar photos but managed to mistakenly delete all of them off my camera's storage card before I could upload them. (I thought I was deleting them from the ofoto software but it turns out that deleting them there also deletes the originals too. Oh well, live and learn.)

Today my schedule is dominated by a lunch meeting with Neal-Schuman and an afternoon meeting with Information Today both regarding current and future projects. I'll report on the results of these conversations this evening.

I'm off to the Keynote...


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